Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Love and Marriage

“A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.”
~ Paul Sweeney

Today is my parents' 37th Wedding Anniversary.  Amazing these days to think about marriages lasting that long.  I love it!!  They have been amazing examples of parents, friends, teachers, love, commitment, and marriage. Don't get me wrong...they have had their fair share of ups, downs, challenges, and trials, but they pull together and make it work.  They are MY examples!!  It has really made me think of my wedding and everything that has gone on since.  I know I mentioned the baby shower having the same theme as the wedding, I think tonight I'm going to spill more details on that theme.

Hubby and I originally met through Godmother and his mom had worked together for over 20 years and my Godmother (Nina) passed on my e-mail address.  We started chatting and one of the things that got the ball rolling was that we were both movie-buffs and big on trivia.  Every e-mail ended with a trivia question to try to stump the other person.  Not to brag...but my mom kept scolding me to let him win a couple (we also learned we are both pretty a healthy, fun way).  Our first date was to a Cinema Supper club...a movie-themed wedding was just too fitting.

Wedding dress shopping can be overwhelming, but when I found mine (the 6th one I tried on) it was perfect.  When you just know.  The sweetest part of it all...what the style was called..."The Marilyn"!  As in Monroe!!  How could anything be more perfect?

Our Save the Dates were movie previews that I had made, burned onto DVDs and mailed out.  I think in my next life I should make personalized movies for people...making that was a lot of fun and started me doing those for other occasions, too.  In fact, I made one for my parents today...and expect to see a few after Taz is born.  Our invitations were movie posters with a picture from our engagement photo shoot.  Also fun to put together.

As far as decor, etc....Our guest book was actually a ceramic Popcorn bowl that everyone signed.  When we got home we baked the bowl to set the signatures.  Rather than the tables being numbered, they were named after movies with Wedding themes...our table was "Just Married"...there was "Father of the Bride", "The Wedding Date", "Wedding Crashers", "My Best Friend's Wedding", "The Wedding Singer", "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", and "Made of Honor".  I laminated small movie posters of the table name, and put them next to a "Cast List" as a seating chart.  The centerpieces were those same small movie posters in a clapboard picture holder.  That was sitting atop a movie reel set inside a popcorn bowl.
Guest favors were customized popcorn boxes filled with real movie theater popcorn and the name plates at the seats were gold stars.  Our cake was AMAZING.  Donna Joy at Sedona Sweet Arts took Hubby's idea and brought it to life!!  The layers were movie canisters with a couple open reels.  The front had a movie clapboard with the wedding info on it and there were sugar movie "tickets" around the base.  As guests arrived, the music playing was all movie scores.  It was basically just a fun party.

Sometimes it feels like only yesterday...others it seems like a lifetime ago.  These days it seems like forever ago.  I look forward to the day when our conversations extends to more than just "Do you need anything, sweetie?  Need anymore water?  How are your sugars?  Bye, sweetie...I'll text you when I can...I love good."  I think that's the extent of our conversations because that is all that's going on right now.  It is routine...scheduled meals, meds, and blood sugar checks...sprinkled with a couple Dr. appointments in the week.  I love my Husband more today than the day we were married.  His strength and support through everything has been more than I could have ever asked for.  It just confirms how thankful I am to have him as the father of my baby and partner in life.  Taz and I are lucky and I hope we can be the example to Taz that my parents have been for me.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I kinda cried. Wow, beautiful testament to your parents! I LOVED the video you made for them. Perfect songs.... where's my Kleenex?
