"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
~ John Lennon
~ John Lennon
Who during their pregnancy experienced very vivid dreams? I can safely say that besides the overwhelming fatigue, the only other "symptom" of my first trimester was VERY vivid dreams. They were so detailed that they would even trigger an emotional response. I would wake up bawling, terrified, whatever the dream triggered. When they started to "lighten up" in the second trimester, I had never been so relieved. These dreams weren't the "crazy" kind, but more of the "tap into every single one of your insecurities and show them to you in a detailed real-life scenario". Uggghhh!
What was it that the Poltergeist girl said in the sequel??? Oh yeah...."They're baaaaaack!" This time, however, they are accompanied by third trimester hormones, which include an infinite supply of tears. Oh yeah....and let's not forget that since I have medication that I need to take every three hours, so I'm awake that frequently, that triples the amount of dreams I'm having each night. Have I said, "Uggghhh" yet??
Today I was excited because I had a field trip with my mom to Vita Bella Fine Day Spa for a mani and pedi....I HAVE MISSED YOU, LISA!!!! Not many other things can make a woman feel as pretty as fresh hands and pretty toes. Of course, I couldn't stop crying all the way there. Fortunately Lisa has known me a long time and knew exactly how to make me smile again and forget the stressors on my mind. I was able to recover, had a nice ride home, mom got me settled back on the couch at home and I realized I had maybe a half-hour to 45 minutes before the first kid would get home. Could it be??? Could I possibly have a quiet enough house to nap downstairs???
Sure did!!!....Well.....for a little while. What is it about kids (teenagers included) that makes them feel their arrival to the house requires everyone to KNOW they have arrived?? Also, has anyone noticed that the smallest kid is the one that makes the most noise upon arrival? Needless to say, the nap was very short-lived. I also started feeling like this baby is probably going to feel like if/when he/she has a nap interrupted. This has just overall been a rough day....sleepy....hormonal....trying to NOT think about the dreams of last night or worry about the dreams that are sure to come tonight...and seeing as how it is Monday, it is back to work for Hubby.
Even with his four days off this weekend, I feel like I barely saw him. This evening when I was home alone with the kids, it was a huge reminder of just how much he is taking on. Gathering my stuff up to move upstairs, I made the mistake of glancing into the kitchen. There I saw the trash can overflowing with paper plates and stuff from the kids' after school snacks and dinner, and one of the kids was just sitting there watching a movie on the iPod and eating. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm going to confess right here, and I'm expecting the punishment to come. I took the trash out and wiped down the table. I did it. I HAD TO!! Prepare yourselves...but I also put a new bag in the trash can. It is stuff like this that contribute to the dreams.
I think I need to invest in horse-blinders, ear plugs, and some sort of emotional protective bubble. Does anyone know where I can register for those things?