"If I know what love is, it is because of you."
~ Herman Hesse
These days are nice because I actually get to spend time with hubby and it is about us and Taz...no interruption...no distractions. It is a lot like those early mornings on his way to work while I was in the hospital. The nurses would see him arrive and wait until he left to come in. We got US time and an opportunity to focus on this baby. It doesn't happen like that much anymore.
The romance of Valentine's Day is lost in this case, too, not only because we don't get much time together, but the way that time is spent is very non-romantic. This morning, however, we got a closer picture of what our love created and where our hearts are. During the BPP we got a 3D image of Taz!! I used to think it was in a way "cheating" in getting a preview look at what he/she looks like. Being in that ultrasound room took that thought TOTALLY out of my head.
One thing totally stood out in the image we were able to capture....CHEEKS!!! Cheeks that I can't WAIT to squeeze and kiss. I considered posting the picture, but I'm going to make you guys wait until the real deal...he he he...ain't I a stinker?!?!
Today's post isn't going to be a long one...I just want to spread the message to remember that even though today is when it is "expected" to express your love for those special people in your lives...don't forget the other 364 (365 days in this year because of Leap Year) in the year.
A special message for the Hubby...who has had to be everything to everyone and then some during this part of our journey...I love you, to infinity....AND BEYOND!!!
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