Friday, February 3, 2012

Status check #2....

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."
Walter Elliott 

Well, it's Friday again...time to check in with Dr. Francois.  I would have thought that by this time (my second full week home and second check-in) I would be more relaxed about my appointments and less anxious about what could happen.  I have done everything I am supposed to, despite what my selfish wants are, have still been getting adjusted, and eating the way I should, so I should expect good results, right?  One would think.  For some reason, however, the night before an appointment and the morning of I'm a nervous, anxious ball of tension....not exactly good for the blood pressure.

Hubby and I headed to the appointment, and he could tell I was nervous.  I started chuckling as he "demonstrated" how he's going to help me relax while in labor.  That gives me something to look forward to.....(only slight sarcasm in the tone).  When we arrived, I checked in and went back to leave my "sample".  I had been guzzling water down all morning because I had gone to the bathroom when I woke up and needed a better output than my last appointment.  :-/   As I came out, Hubby was already in the ultrasound room and the tech was ready for me.  Everything looked GREAT!!!  My fluids were perfect, the baby's heart looked and sounded amazing (they are really checking because of the ibuprofen I'm on right now to hold off the contractions), and we I felt a huge sense of relief come over me.  Baby check to see the Doc to check on mommy.

I went back into her exam room (basic vitals and consult was all that was going on today), got weighed (yuck), and my BP was taken.  Perfect blood pressure! Another relief considering the anxiety I was feeling all morning.  Consult went great, too!!  Here's the scoop now....tomorrow I reach 32 weeks (my Doc is ECSTATIC!!) 34 weeks I'm off the 35 weeks I'm off all "stop the labor" meds so I'm only on the meds to keep my blood sugars in check, and if I go into labor at that point, she's not stopping it...GAME ON!  She also stated that she isn't going to do anything to HELP labor along, so it will be a natural process.  LOVE HER!!  So here I am...again, status quo...sitting on the couch, on the computer, with the TV on.  Tomorrow....I think I'm going to stay upstairs and read's a "Zen" kinda day.

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