Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Laid Plans

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
~Mother Teresa

I have always wanted to be a Doctor.  My interest in the human body and how it works has been strong from a very young age.  I grew up "in" the medical environment...my mom worked for a high-risk OB/GYN office for 15+ years, and the Medical Director became my martial arts instructor, friend, and "second father".  Numerous times I would visit my mom at work and end up accompanying him to a delivery, including "assisting" in c-sections (I was in college at the time...Pre-med...researching my future).  I learned a lot in that environment, and I was exposed to some of the "worst of the worst" scenarios with some of the most amazing life-saving procedures performed.  This exposure truly gave me an appreciation of understanding that there is a time and place for all types of treatment, but I couldn't, however, let go of wanting to work more with being proactive in health and working more WITH the body and it's natural processes.  That faith in the human body directed me to become a Doctor of Chiropractic.

I am a Chiropractor.  I fully believe that the Power that Makes the Body, Heals the Body.  There is an innate intelligence inside all of us that is responsible for our healing, health, and LIFE in general.  When I found out that I was pregnant in July, I put into practice what I teach my patients to enhance their pregnancy and promote a healthy, enjoyable experience.

Pregnancy is not a disease...it is a natural state.  Labor and delivery aren't medical procedures, they are natural processes.  A fellow Chiropractor stated it well when he said, "The greatest Doctor of all times was put inside of all of us, by God, at Conception.  If you have any doubts about this bring the Doctor that you think is the greatest, 9 months worth of pickles and Ice Cream, and have them make a baby out of it..." It was clear once learning of my pregnancy that I wanted a 100% natural home birth and to be taken care of by a midwife.  Unfortunately, last summer in July I DID have a medical crisis.  I am a Chiropractor who specializes in pediatric and pre-natal care, so I understood that my past medical issues could potentially make another appearance during my pregnancy.  Most importantly, I wanted to make sure that my "Birth Team" was put together in a way that would make me completely comfortable and trusting that my wants and needs were going to be met.  This meant that I needed to be ready with a back-up plan for if/when those issues appeared and a home birth would be tricky.

My midwife was amazing...she is also a Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Jesika DiCampli, and WILL BE my baby's pediatrician.  She understood my medical history, my current wants and needs, and also understood my desire for a "back-up" plan.  She respected and encouraged me to seek out an OB/GYN that I trusted to bring on to my "Birth TEAM" so they could be on the same page.  Of course, my choice was easy.  Dr. Karrie Francois was a friend I had met while she worked at the office my mom worked at.    The previous Medical Director of that office had since become the Chief Medical Officer of a local hospital and had a very limited practice, so going with Dr. Francois was an easy choice for me.  Almost 3 years ago she delivered my nephew, she referred patients to me for co-management (with Chiropractic care), and she understood my desires for the most natural process possible.

My first visit to Dr. Francois was intense for me.  I felt very protective of my wants for a natural birth and wasn't completely sure about what to expect for her reaction.  It turns out, there really was no need to worry.  She was VERY understanding and told me that she appreciated my desire for a natural birth and respected my decision to have both a vitalistic and allopathic birth team.  She told me to keep my midwife as "point" and just keep her up to date on everything with weekly e-mails so she stays in the loop.  I left feeling complete...my team was assembled, and my pregnancy future looked bright.  I had found a specialist on both sides of the healthcare spectrum to be a part of my Birth Team, so all bases were covered.....THANK GOD I'M A PLANNER!!!


  1. Oh I want MORE! This is live a great novel that you stay up all night to read.

    1. Well, Ms. Becky...you have 10 more entries to read! Enjoy!!
