Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Chamber of Solitude...aka Mental Rehab

"Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away."
~ Barbara De Angelis

I forgot to announce yesterday.....WE HAVE MADE IT TO 31 WEEKS!!!  I don't want to jinx myself again, but Saturday marks a VERY IMPORTANT 32 weeks.  At this point, the likelihood of developing serious disabilities due to premature birth has decreased IMMENSELY.  Mostly what we would be looking at would be difficulty with breathing on his/her a possibility (and we DID do the steroid treatments to decrease that chance), or difficulty feeding on his/her own.  Practice breathing is assessed during the BPPs that will be performed once a week from the 32 week mark and on.  As an amazing group of supportive women chant for me...."Keeping 'sticky' vibes for Taz".  We want him/her to keep cozy in the oven as long as possible.  The excitement now is that we are 4 weeks to safe delivery, and 9 weeks (Yeah single digits!!) to a COMPLETE 40 weeks.

**Just a little disclaimer....40 weeks is average gestational age based on the first day of the last menstrual period.  Every pregnancy is different, and these truly are "Guess Dates"....The baby will be ready when it is ready!!  From 35 weeks on, labor will not be stopped, especially as long as Taz keeps growing at this rate.** for today.  When I woke up this morning for my 6:00 med dose, Hubby got up to get ready for church and I decided that I was going to just stay in bed as long as possible.  Normally I would start getting ready for the day around 8:20 so I can be downstairs and settled by my 9:00 med time.  Not today.   Hubby made me breakfast and brought it up to me before leaving for church at 8:00.  After finishing breakfast, I took a shower, got "dressed" and climbed right back into bed.  I stayed awake until my 9:00 meds, then went back to sleep.  I was REALLY nice.  I realized that by going downstairs, I not only would have the MANY distractions that pull me away mentally from the task at hand, but really wasn't necessary to let anyone in the house who came to visit me.  We set up a great system for family and friends that have come to visit me while I would be here alone.  I have the garage door opener sitting next to me on the coffee table.  When someone pulls up, they call me and I open the garage for them to come in.  When they leave, they call me from their car and close the garage again.  It's BEAUTIFUL.  He he he.  

When hubby got home from church he came up to change and I can sense some tension in him.  He said everything was ok, but the flexing jaw muscle told me something different.  As he walked out of the room, I could overhear some of the conversations between him and each kid.  It was at that point I was confident in the choice I made to stay in the bedroom today.  It actually created the peace I was feeling at the hospital, in the comfort of my own bed.  There was no hustle and bustle around me to tempt me away from my mission...I got to look at the area we are planning on "building" the nursery (We have a nook in the room that is PERFECT for a crib, changing table, and nursery-feel.  We also have another area in the room that we want to make into a "sitting" area and put my glider and another recliner for hubby).  I got to focus on the baby all day...if I wanted to nap, I did.  If I wanted to web surf, I did.  If I wanted to read, I did.  Hubby would make frequent visits to make sure I didn't need anything, and had his cell handy for me to text him if I did between trips.  Have I mentioned that I love that man????

Shortly after hubby left for work my Nina (Godmother) stopped by with a little treat for me from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  She brought me my favorite Tea Latte....yummmm.  After such a nice morning and early afternoon, I was "Zen" enough to come downstairs for the evening and actually hang out with the kiddos for dinner.  When I got to the bottom of the stairs, my mom and dad were here!!  They surprised us with dinner...Pizza and Wings (not the healthiest choice, but definitely helped satisfy a craving I have had for a while).  We had a nice visit and the kids and I finished the night off by watching one of our "Family Shows".  I think I have found the secret to surviving the weekends....Morning Mental Rehab in the "Chamber of Peace and Solitude" to completely center myself before joining the "outside" world.  I'm looking forward to my morning with the man while the kids are at school.  We need the "Us" time.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go stay in my room and experience this quiet too! You are doing great and making such wise choices, Lori.
