Monday, January 30, 2012

Lessons Learned for Big Dreams

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
~ Bil Keane

Most parents would agree that when they have dreams for their children, they want AT LEAST what they had growing up, and in most cases better...or more.  Each generation tries to improve things for the next.  I know that was heavy on my sister's mind when she was pregnant with my nephew.  It has DEFINITELY been on my mind as well.  There are important key factors we need to remember, though...circumstances are usually different, opportunities aren't always the same, and as long as we are loving our children and giving them what they NEED from us emotionally, spiritually, as teachers and leaders, and provide their necessities, they will be FINE.

How many times have we thought, as adults, "If I could do ______ over again...."?  I wouldn't do anything different, personally.  Experiences from my past have contributed to who I have become as a person.  There were lessons in those experiences that provide framework to future encounters.  What I have come to realize in my many hours of contemplation, is that though I may want this baby to have what I had growing up, any changes I would have considered making, I CAN!!  I'm not saying that I would prevent this child from facing challenges, because challenges help us learn what we are capable of.  This pregnancy has thrown "challenges" my way, and I have HAD TO grow, learn, and move forward with the understanding that these lessons have purpose.  The experiences I have had in the past can also help me to PERSONALLY bring the knowledge gained to my children and teach them myself, creating another opportunity to share moments.

I always considered myself, as a Doctor, a teacher.  In fact, if I hadn't become a Doctor, I probably WOULD HAVE become a teacher.  To be a parent is also to be a teacher.  I have heard so many parents wonder where the "owner's manual" is for when they have their baby.  The truth is that your past and present experiences are pages that make up the manual that will help you make decisions regarding your children.  I knew that in my head before, but this "time to think" has really helped me understand it in my heart.  What I have learned about health and nutrition will give my child a better start.  He/she will grow up not knowing what soda tastes like, so they won't be addicted by the time they are 10 years old.  He/she will KNOW what a healthy portion of food is as opposed to eating until they are stuffed.  This child will be adjusted from birth and will always have his/her body working the way it was designed to....from above-down, inside-out without interference...the same way Taz is growing and developing now.

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